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Is it my generation or just my twenties?

"Lazy, spoiled, lacks loyalty, indecisive, afraid of commitment, disrespectful, creative, talented, out going, geniuses..." all words used to describe millennials. But show me one word that hasn't been used to describe a typical person in their twenties.

Remember in kindergarten when they made you fill out that stupid paper that says "I want to be ___________ when I grow up"? That one little thing from youth made you think you needed to have everything figured out. Hindsight I've learned that one sentence could mean everything or nothing at all 20 years later. How do I know? Because my answer was "lawyer". And now after switching my major in college and prepping for my second career in a few days I realized that that sentence was nothing more than a ceiling. Funny thing is, life proves that the ceiling was hollowed.

As you may have guessed, I quit my job. "Typical millennial" huh? I disagree. I quit what I mentally told myself I should be just for the sake of stability. I realized that I wasn't happy, in fact I was miserable. Every day I had to convince myself to go to work because, bills. And because I have integrity about my work and gratefulness on my spirit. But I wasn't happy, not the least bit. I made a move on faith last year, my "leap". Although I'm super grateful that I did, I've realized that everything I pictured wasn't exactly what would happen. God works like that sometimes. Like my pastor always said "some times God will reveal some things to you just to keep you from going crazy", he did. While making a move with no idea how I'd make income, he provided somewhere that would take care of it. Doesn't mean it was supposed to be permanent. Then it clicked, all that talk about millennials and their loyalty was nothing more than older people forgetting where they started. It's not my generation, it's my twenties.

Tv will convince you that by 21 you should have life figured out, and at 25 max you should be living your best life. Not true. Now don't get me wrong, your youth is no excuse for not being responsible and making decisions that could effect you later. However it's not meant to be perfect. Your twenties is the first introduction to yourself. You're in the world now, no parents just you and what do you do about that? Honestly you'll never know until you live it! Want to see some proof? Here goes:

1. Oprah Winfrey- fired from a news station in her 20s for being too invested in her stories. By 30 she had the highest ranked tv show in Chicago.

2. Ralph Lauren- sales associate at Brooks Brothers, it wasn't until 26 that he decided to design his first tie. This eventually led to "Polo" a year later.

3. Jay- Z- although he was already a rapper, it wasn't until 27 when he founded Roc-A-fella and gained a household name in the industry. He released Reasonable Doubt that same year.

4.Warren Buffet- Moved to New York at 26 to be a securities analyst. In a year's time he realized that New York just wasn't for him an started Buffett Partnership, Ltd., an investment partnership in Omaha.

5. Our parents- curve ball right? But yes, look at your parents, they are the prime example of figuring it out in your twenties. From job changes, relocation, divorces, most of us witnessed it all in their 20s.

There's a professor who said "it's not generational thing, it's a stage in life issue" and I agree! Of course because I'm the exact group he's defending. I'm a millennial. Yes we are different, yes we were coddled and somewhat overly exposed. But right now, we are you. We are our parents, we are the future. We are the perfect example of a human in their twenties trying to figure it out. That's what is for!

I encourage any millennial reading this to keep pushing. Shoot for the stars because they found the secret to the ceiling a long time ago. One day you'll look back and thank God you did.

It's not fact or fiction, just my opinion- Kandi

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