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Millennials, it's okay to CHILL.

Current album: Channel Orange

Song: Bad Religion

As I sit on my couch with the balcony blinds open, bright sun shining into my living room, in my bathrobe, without any lotion on (lol), I finally realized that sometimes it's okay to just chill.

When I first cut my computer on I started to feel guilty. It's 11:36am on a Saturday and I haven't done anything else besides replay some really great albums, shower, brush my teeth and twirl around my apartment. All the while I'm getting text messages of my friends hitting the gym, reading tweets about the morning grind, and here I am on my couch. What a bum right? As a matter of fact that's what I call myself every time I find myself relaxing. I mean seriously, I have goals to reach right? I'm not a millionaire, I still have to introduce myself when I walk into a room, all that good stuff! But that's when it hit me, IT'S OKAY.

You see, this couch thing, I don't get to enjoy it often. I mean I frequent it but not in the way I'm choosing to today. Today I've decided that I will no longer feel guilty about getting some much needed REST. Today I am going to stop comparing myself to every one else around me. Today I am choosing to protect my peace. Far too often I find myself asking if I want things bad enough. I mean such and such's business is going great, OMG her curls are amazing, or geez that blog has so many views! And don't get me started on work. Man this person is here every day at least 30 minutes before I get here and some times stays later. That person's gotten promoted twice and I've yet to get a high five. That's the type of anxiety I have day in and day out. Even when I sleep sometimes, I still don't rest. The craziest part about it all is that I'm not alone.

Our generation is at a place where good will never be good enough. And that's awesome! But sometimes it can be unhealthy. The internet was one of the best yet worst things to ever happen to us. Talk about direct competition! At your finger tips you can literally watch someone live a life that you THINK you've always wanted. So then you start to compare, you start to ask yourself "what the heck am I doing wrong?". But you know what I realized? I don't really want that stuff. At least not right now, AND THAT'S OKAY. We have to learn to be okay with being okay. Not being okay in the sense of being mediocre but celebrating your moments. I read a piece in the Bible app the other day that said our greatest down fall is not celebrating how good God does good things. We're so restless because we live our lives focusing on the things that we don't have! It's human nature I know, but it's alright to break away from that sometimes. It's okay to sit back and just CHILL.

So let's plan this out together, let's figure out ways to chill:

C- Count. Like literally, count. Count how many times you've overcome something. Count how many times you went to that same page and compared yourself. Count how many days a week you work your butt off just to stay afloat. Count how many times you could've been more grateful. (This is a perfect time to just stop and tell God thank you!)

H- Hold your head up. You're doing just fine. What is meant for you will come in God's perfect timing. If right now you're going through something, I want to let you know it won't last always.

I- Idolize. That, stop doing that. It's okay to look up to someone and by all means use it as motivation but don't allow it to be your only. What is meant for them is for THEM. You have a whole plate of destiny in front of you, get your eyes off theirs before yours gets too cold.

L- Love you. Perfect way to kill anxiety is to become completely satisfied with you. Practice this one as often as you need to.

L- Leave what is out of your hands alone. (That one's for my control freaks, I feel you babe).

By this time I've either rambled enough to the point that you're not even reading anymore or I've accomplished my goal. Are you relaxed yet? Are you satisfied?

If you had to live this same day over and over until you got it right, how would you want to spend it? Working tirelessly for another day that you may not see? Or knowing that for once in your life you finally stopped to smell the roses that will never die?

Now, I'm chillin' haha...

It's not fact or fiction, just my opinion. -Kandi

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