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Five Truths About Your Dream Job

It’s the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting… – Paulo Coelho

Oh my goodness, I missed y'all!! Like, where did the time go?! Great news is, it's been four months and I still love my job. I don't wake up in the morning dreading walking into the office, or questioning myself about what I'm supposed to be doing. Actually, the beauty in being so unhappy previously is that I can take time to appreciate where I am now. Even though I still can't believe I'm here! Now for the truth, I'm happy, I mean really happy, but things aren't perfect. Ya know, not like how we think they should be on a dream job. So I decided to share five truths about your dream job, if you've ever been there before maybe you can relate!

1. The dream isn't always perfect- in fact, despite what people tell you, it's extremely hard! And not hard because you're incapable, but because it's your dream. You become an extreme perfectionist because it's something you've always wanted, something you truly care about, and the one thing you never want to lose.

2. There's going to be a learning curve- just because you dreamed it doesn't mean everything about it will come naturally. AND THAT'S OKAY! Everything takes time. If it is truly your dream then there will always be something to learn. The day you stop learning and stop growing, may be a sign to an expiration on that dream.

3. It's a lot easier to dream about it than to actually do it- "There are those who dream, and those who do". Dreaming about it is the easy part. The work truly comes in when you decide to make it happen. That's when you learn the most about yourself, waking up is the hardest part!

4. Sometimes you will question if the dream is meant to be- Like I mentioned in the first point, the dream can be hard! When it get's harder, GO HARDER. This is the perfect time to remind yourself why you started, recuperate, write down your action plan and come back swinging.

5. You'll keep dreaming- this dream is one of many. There will be others and taking this chance may be the very encouragement you need to explore and try more. After all that's what dreamers do right? We dream, we create, we commit, and we keep dreaming. :)

This past week I attended a conference with a room full of people with some of the same dreams as me (and of course occupation). Before I got there I was so overwhelmed, for many reasons. I love what I do but it's A LOT. So much so that it can be draining. Which is crazy because they tell you "if you do what you love you'll never work a day of your life", or something like that. Truth is, if you do what you love you'll never stop working. There's going to always be a challenge. Always a nay-sayer, always some NO around the next corner. The key ingredient to the process is the dreamer. See, when you dream of something there's also going to be a little extra fight in you. Right above those bags under your eyes there's a light that shines through. That's a sprinkle of grace that God has stored for your heart's desires (man, isn't he good!).

So to my dreamers around the world looking for your next step; take that leap, quit that job, walk into that promotion, start that business, style those clients and FAIL. Fail 100 times if you have to, all you need is ONE time to succeed. One time to see the seeds that you planted come into fruition. That my friends is when you've made it, that's when you've reached altitude happy, that's the real dream.

It's not fact or fiction, just my opinion. -Kandi

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